Is this the right forum my question should be posted in because it is from someone at work but even if we didnt work together i just need to know is there some legal action that could be taken that can make him stop threatening to post and or show text to anyone ? and /or pics thank you
You can't, nor can the law make a person STOP doing something.
All the law can do is charge a person with a crime, put him/her on trial, and punish the person if she/he is convicted.
You can, as can I, IGNORE the person, then no matter what he/she does; it won't affect you.
Forget trying to make a person stop threatening you, just stop listening to him.
There's nothing you can do, nor can your employer, even if he's fired, he can still threaten to do something.
Ignore him, block him from your life, and then whatever he does, it won't matter.
Murder and rape are two of thousands of crimes.
Murders are committed daily all over this country, and so are rapes.
The law can't stop evil, nor can it ban stupidity.
As a kid, I would tell my dad so and so called me such and such.
My dad would say, "You don't have to listen. If you don't listen, you won't know. Even if you hear, pretend you didn't."