texting while driving

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New Member
driver was texting while driving and hit another car. Can the person who sent the original text that the driver was responding to be held responsible in any way for the accident?
driver was texting while driving and hit another car. Can the person who sent the original text that the driver was responding to be held responsible in any way for the accident?

How could it be proven that the driver was, indeed, texting?

Did the driver blab ?

No, the person originating the text is in no way liable for anything arising from this accident.
The only person responsible is the drive who tried texting back. You are supposed to be in control of your vehicle and aware of what is going on at all times. Texting, does not even hint at safe driving. My state has a 0 tolerance policy for texting while driving, and if the officer is feeling bold enough they are allowed to confiscate your phone to be used later as evidence. I hope all involved in the accident are ok and the texter learned their lesson....
driver was texting while driving and hit another car. Can the person who sent the original text that the driver was responding to be held responsible in any way for the accident?

Please tell me you are joking.

Of course not. Don't be ridiculous.
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