The employer witholding my last check

Not necessarily. There is a lot of controversy about employee vs contractor in the nail salon industry.

Whether you are an independent contractor or employee depends on a variety of factors as well as any written contract you have with the salon.

Do you have a written contract?

Does your work meet the 20 factor test from the IRS?

There are plenty of articles explaining the issue in the following search results.

irs independent contractor in a nail salon at DuckDuckGo

If it looks like you were illegally misclassified you can file complaints with the IRS and the US Department of Labor.

That, unfortunately, won't get you your paycheck any time soon and Florida doesn't have a wage enforcement state agency so you'd have to sue in small claims court to get faster action.

I didnt sign any contracts at all.

I am trying to contact to irs but do not know how. is it too late to file ss8 to determine whethere i was self employed or employee since i was fired on the 10th of June
Your date of birth is not considered private information in this context so no, she can take out a billboard on Rte 1 declaring your date of birth and she would not be in violation.

Drivers licence info can be a bit more complicated. Specifically what information from your drivers licence/driving record is she giving out, to whom, and how?
Your date of birth is not considered private information in this context so no, she can take out a billboard on Rte 1 declaring your date of birth and she would not be in violation.

Drivers licence info can be a bit more complicated. Specifically what information from your drivers licence/driving record is she giving out, to whom, and how?

My driver license number. she took a picture of the copy of trespass warning to send to my old coworkers
I am not a dentist. I do not pull teeth.

So you are saying that your driver's license number is on the trespass warning?

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