The HOA blues. What can one do?

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I live in an area which has an HOA. They are very mean and have had this reputation since I moved in 6 years ago. They constantly have some violation they stick me with and I'm not even sure if some are legal. I'm in CA and we have droughts. Even still I have been fined several times for letting my grass get slightly brown at times.

The funny thing is that my next door neighbor has a horrible lawn. It's practically all weeds and it's been that way since he moved in about 5 years ago.

My first question is this.

If I'm being written up for a violation like this and my neighbor is not. Do I have any legal recourse?

Recently it just hit me. They fine me and demand me to make payment. But, they have never furnished me any proof(photos) of the infractions. I made a formal request to have these violations removed because of this. I then requested a copy of every violation and the supporting photo/proof.

Do I have any legal recourse for this?


I fell behind a few months with my HOA fees (total amount 291.00 probably included violation fees as well). They put me into collections which cost another 500.00 , then late fees, administration fees, etc. It ended up being about 1000.00. I was mad but I made an agreement to make monthly payments for a year with NO lein put on my house. But, when I called the collection agency, they told me that a lein would have to be put on my house if I took more than 2 months to pay it back. In this meeting they told me the would update the "meet and confir" with this information. But, they lied and/or got a good case of amnesia. So, they fined me and that put another fees, etc.

So, now I'm paying on a 2400.00 collection.

Do I have any legal recourse in this regard. If they used selective enforcement, could I get this situation resolved?

What can I do here? I am so frustrated! I feel trapped in my own home!
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