The Medical Assistant is NOT always right

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I have been diagnosed with a chronic illness that there is no cure for and that i MUST follow a cardiologist for. My problem began Dec 2006 w/my cardiologist's(whom i've had since 2004) medical assistant.My physician wanted for me to have an echo done, i had to call her medical assistant to schedule the apptmnt.I called in Dec 2006, no call back. I proceeded to call the medical assist. leaving vm for her to call me back to schedule my apptmnt ALL of January 2007, she never returned my phone clls. Finally by the end of January i decided to call the front desk and asked if the medical assist. worked there anymore or was she out or what? Ironiclly, she happened to be standing up at the front desk, finally since Dec. 2006 i was able to sched. for my echo. On the day of my echo i ws feeling really sick, weak, but its not uncommon w/my diagnosis. Ususally a little rest helps me feel better, but i had to report to work that morning after my apptmnt. I informed my physician medical assist. how i was feeling and askd is she could just write me a note for my employer,because i didnt feel well at all. i figured it wouldnt be a problem, it was Friday and anyone could see i was not well at all.She refused and told me the my doctor ws on vacation, i asked her if there was anyone else i could speak to who could help me, she was acting so unconcerned, sighing loudly, shaking her head, rolling her eyes in the air, as if she ws in a hurry and i was irritating her. Seeing this i began to cry(i ws that sick!) and would you believe she began to smirk and laugh at me? she went on to tell me there was nothing she could do(i'm tearing up from the experience even now)in fact she started scolding me about something she had calld me for that i never calld her back about-which was untrue. There's more to it but i need to stop because i'm getting upset all over again. Anyway, this is what happened recently--I clld her on Feb 11th 2008 to schedule my yearly apptmnt. with my cardiologist and plus i was running out of my medication--i needed a new script. she calld me back on Feb 13th at the very end of the business day for them, i ws at work away from my phone, but i clld her back approx 10 min. later and left her a vm--she NEVER clld me back again!. I said 'this is it' i contacted a higher authority on Feb 20 and i informed them of everything, even the incident in 2007. On March 3 i clld the dctors offc and spk with the office manager--she was nasty and very unprofessional. She let me know that they did recieve my letter that wrote to the CEO, and basically they had NEVER received any complaints on this medical assist. before, so i asked her "so that makes her behavior okay?" in a nutshell, she gave me the ultimatum of make an apptmnt w/my dctor and get over it,or "find somewhere else to go" is what she outrightly told me.
NO ONE ever clld me, got my side of the story, apologized, no nothing. Basically they felt what she did wasnt wrong, they didnt see anything wrong with it being over a MONTH and she still hadn't calld me for an appointment, but then yet, if you're a patient that's calling them EVERYDAY on the hour--you're a nuisance(i've worked in the medical field for 7 yrs, i've heard it MANY times) frankly, i dont believe they talked to her at all, and if they did, they made it seem to her like everything was fine with what she did. Now i'm left with not only being ill, but now i have to scramble for a new cardiologist, i'm completely out of my medication(which i need), and i may have to wait for weeks to get a new patient apptmnt elsewhere. Unfortunately, my naivete caused me to believe that PATIENTS are always right, but i guess not. I feel like what she did is not only patient neglect but also unethical and i want to take it further, and bring it to someone else attention. Am i within legal rights to do this?
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Unfortunately, I think the best you can do is complain in writing and explain the situation calmly.

Have you suffered any actual injury? Without injury, you'd be hard pushed to be awarded damages of any sort.

With regards to your medication, assuming you're still a patient of this doctor - call your pharmacist and have them call or fax the doctor directly. This is commonplace and there should not be a problem filling the meds.
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