The other at fault drivers insurance offering rental car with unfair catch?

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I need advice.

My car was parked legally, and another person hit it. Obviously the other driver was found at fault. The guys insurance company contacted me and asked if I had gotten in a rental car yet. I explained to them that I could not afford a rental car. They said that they would be able to provide me one at no out of pocket expense to me. I said great. Then the bombshell which I don't see as fair. They explain to me I have to have a Major Credit Card to obtain the rental car as a deposit. I don't have one. So, since i do not have a credit card, I have to suffer for 2 weeks until my car is fixed due to the incident they are obligated to make right.

Is this legal? Do I have any way to make them get me a car? If they say there is no out of pocket expense to me, why should I have to put up a deposit on a credit card for the car? Shouldn't they be guaranteeing the payment?

Any advice would be appreciated.
Most if not all rental car agencies will not rent a car to someone who does not have a major credit card. The insurance carrier has no authority to force the agency to rent you a car if you do not meet the agency's qualifications.
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