New Member
So I am still currently married but we are wanting a divorce. So last night she changes the locks on our condo that is leased to both of our names. She puts all of my stuff out on the porch and that is where it is still sitting because I don't have a car now since she came over to my friends house drove up onto his front lawn and had someone else with her who got into my car and they both drove off. The title to the car is in both of our names, the bill of sale is in both of our names the registartion is in my namebesides she has her own car and she has a great job I am unemployed and now can't even go out to look for work because I have no transportation and no money. Who is entitled to this car? can she legally come take it from me? can I legally got take it back? She cannot sell the car unless both printed names on front have two signed name on back right?