Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft The success rate of shoplifting diversion programs

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New Member
Just read an interesting (although old article) about shoplifting diversion programs. I was lucky enough to find a copy of the article in a digital format to read.

The article is "Evaluating a Diversion Program for First-Time Shoplifters".

The most interesting point of the survey was that:

-4% of the people who complete a diversion program are rearrested
-25% of the people who do not complete a diversion program are rearrested

This reinforces my belief that a well run diverstion program is key to shoplifting prevention, and can greatly reduce the strain on the court system.

Source: Royse, David; Buck, Steven A.; Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, v17 n1-2 p147-58 1991
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