The trouble with drinking is that it turns me into an idiot. This is the rest of the story to my first thread. Last Saturday I was kicked out of a bar for obvious reasons. I went outside and stole someones truck from the parking lot, (no cab fair). while driving home I passed a cop and saw that he was going to get me, So I decided to run. The truck wasnt fast enough or I was too drunk to shift gears I dont know which. Any way I pulled over and now am chaged with, Theft in the first degree (felony), Unauthorized Use of a motor vehicle (felony), Wreckless driving (Class A Misd.), DUII (Class A Misd.), and failure to take the BAT (Violation).
It seems like the justice system is doubling up on thier charges. Is it valid to aurgue that everyone driving drunk is driving Wreckless? How can they charge me with Theft and Unauthorized use, if it wasnt theft then wouldnt it be authorized and vis-versa?
How serious are stolen vehicle charges in oregon? Is there any significants that the keys were in the ignition? Could this be reduced to a Misdemener?
I have a fairly clean record, when I talk with my lawyer what sort of things should I be asking? He's court appointed and I want to know if he is even trying to defend me.
What is a resonable plea bargan for these crimes?
It seems like the justice system is doubling up on thier charges. Is it valid to aurgue that everyone driving drunk is driving Wreckless? How can they charge me with Theft and Unauthorized use, if it wasnt theft then wouldnt it be authorized and vis-versa?
How serious are stolen vehicle charges in oregon? Is there any significants that the keys were in the ignition? Could this be reduced to a Misdemener?
I have a fairly clean record, when I talk with my lawyer what sort of things should I be asking? He's court appointed and I want to know if he is even trying to defend me.
What is a resonable plea bargan for these crimes?