The Wager I Want...

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I'm the type of person that just wanted to go to work and come home at the end of the day without being we chose to move to this little town in Montana...and it would be perhaps the largest regret of my entire life.

We have been here for going on three years now and I have been put through numerous sting operations...stake outs...etc...all the way down to having co-workers being involved. Now I can understand people being a little suspicious of someone new in town and perhaps a sting operation and a stake out when something in town turns up missing...but every time that something goes wrong?...even after they have caught a few of the culprits here and there? There is a point when it becomes ridiculous and time to say enough is enough.

Now let me give you a little bit of my background...all my jobs for the last 10+ years while in the city have required extensive background checks...criminal...all the way down to my credit report. I'm 37 and have never been in trouble with the law...with the exception of a DUI that I received back when I was 21...yeah, not proud of it but I was young and stupid...what can I say.

The only thing I want is a wager...if I am guilty of actually any of the things that I'm under suspicion of...I will plead guilty with punishment of life imprisonment. However, if I am not guilty...then I want those responsible to step down from their positions and to never apply to law enforcement again...because evidently they don't belong there in the first place. Can I legally make such a wager??? :yes:
I'm all ears if you have any suggestions...I feel that it is time to start shaking the monkeys out of the trees so I'm open to anything! :)
Thank you for the advice...but unfortunately there is no such thing as HR in these parts. Ahhhh...I know what to do though...oh yes I do! Have a great day, mightymoose! :)
I didn't get it either at first... he feels he is being treated unfairly and wants people to leave him alone.
His solution is that if he has done something wrong he will just confess to it. If he hasn't done anything wrong then he won't step forward, and those accusing him of wrongdoing will have to resign from their jobs.

There are some holes in the logic, to say the least, but that is the heart of it.
1. What makes you so sure that I am a "he?" I think that is a whoops on your part! :rolleyes:

2. Shoot the place up...please get real...that option is only for desperate psychopaths...I simply believe in "what comes around...goes around" even if it means I have to give it a little push in that direction.

3.'re not the first person to make the accusation of my logic having holes...I like writing you won't be the first to eat those words if it makes you feel any better. :no:

There is something I learned along time ago and it is the first rule of engagement...never f**k with someone smarter than yourself...I have yet to meet that smarter someone. LOL
There is something I learned along time ago and it is the first rule of engagement...never f**k with someone smarter than yourself...I have yet to meet that smarter someone. LOL

You totally had my sympathy until you made such and arrogant conceited statement as that. If you are being harassed in a small town there may be little you can do about it except maybe to trim your ego. I'm from the south and familiar with small towns, they generally don't like people who think they are the smartest person they have ever met and they go out of their way to make you miserable. The best thing you can likely do is learn some humility.
You totally had my sympathy until you made such and arrogant conceited statement as that.

Sorry...just when you are the only one that has your own back...arrogance can get you a long way in certain is knowing when and when not to use it.

If you are being harassed in a small town there may be little you can do about it except maybe to trim your ego.

Not exactly so...once people have figured out that you have lied to can come back on you ten fold.

I'm from the south and familiar with small towns, they generally don't like people who think they are the smartest person they have ever met and they go out of their way to make you miserable.

I'm counting on it...and soooo hope you are right. You are familiar with small you know that people will notice such activity...and they LOVE to talk. :yes:

The best thing you can likely do is learn some humility.

I agree...and I hope they step up to the plate to do it. I'm a very quiet person so that should mislead them into thinking that they have the upper hand. :angel:
I'm just hoping that the "big guys" are man enough to step up and not let the little ones take the brunt for their doing...however, past experience speaks differently and they always seem to cower in the heat of the spotlight. :mad:
No offense but please go back and read what your written. Unless you provide more information on what, specifically, you believe has taken place and how others have set you up for stake outs and sting operations, I'm afraid you come off as a bit of an arrogant, paranoid nutcase.

I'm afraid you come off as a bit of an arrogant, paranoid nutcase.

Arrogant...yeah, you have me on that one.

Paranoid...aren't paranoid people jumpy and afraid of whatever delusion they have going on?...that doesn't quite fit me...I mean what is there really to be afraid of? I'm actually quite bored with the whole thing because it is so simple pathetic as a matter of fact, at first I thought the whole thing was some sick joke! LOL I have had patience hoping that it would get a whole lot more complex but to no can't make rocket scientists out of monkeys just doesn't work that way. :(

Nutcase...having to deal with something so intellectually beneath you constantly will do that I you may be right on that one too.:dgrin:

As for specifics...I wish I could spill the beans...but all of that has to be kept confidential for the time being. :( However, I can say that I do know which one of my co-workers is the "primary informant"...and now suspicion has turned on my other co-workers as being possible sources for providing me with things are falling into place just as they should be but I have much more to do yet.

Take for instance...I have been working months and months to put one of the star forerunners into the position I needed. I even had to stoop so low as to texting her 21 year old kid because this is a person that takes a simple text as a sign of being possibly "interested" in them (a couple of texts and whala!)...I like to throw a little fuel on the fire...there is nothing like seeing the frustration on their faces as you walk past their office because things don't turn out the way they wanted them to...what comes around...goes around.
I don't think legal advice is going to be very beneficial yet...I have to wait out the next set up...hope and push for an arrest to be made...yada yada. I always get my man in the end many others can make such a claim? What can I say...I level armies and swallow gods for a living. LOL
On second thought...I'm going to hold off and not take it so personal for the time being...

On third thought...Naw...this is too much fun!
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FOUND: Some little old dude had dropped his HUMILITY in the alley next to the Hagen Apts. Contact Enuff at 555-5555 to have it returned to him. :blush:
Why are some people so stubborn that they put themselves through sooooo much pain and embarrassment?...all you have to do is say "Uncle!"
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