Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Theft by check


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If I had a hot check in 2014 and then one in 2002, the statue of limitations are up after 2 years, can I be arrested ? And how can they issue a arrest warrant on this if it's been so long? Can I tell them to leave me alone?. I paid these but only because I'm the only care taker for elderly parents. I couldnt risk being arrested and taken away from them for even a day. But I am sure the police are mad at me orbecause of my kid being their top 10 most wanted and I have no information about her and cussed them for slandering her and not doing the right job they were hired to do. This will happen again. Do I have a harrasment case?

You might wish to consult a lawyer.
The SOL doesn't protect you the way you believe it does.
If you are charged with a crime, your parents' medical issues won't prohibit your arrest.
You need a real, licensed attorney, if you're arrested.
Remember, you have the right to remain silent.
Jim Croce wrote a song years ago "You don't mess around with Jim"

Harassment? Probably not.

Are the warrants valid? Most likely, unless someone lied to judge about it (which isn't likely). If they were issued before the statute of limitations expired then you can still be prosecuted. However having an active warrant does not mean the matter would be prosecuted. You could be arrested on the warrant and the whole matter could still be dismissed. I suggest you feet your affairs in order and make sure your parents are tended to for a day or two that you MIGHT be absent. Go to your local sheriff department pm a Monday morning and turn yourself in on your warrant. You MIGHT be held until bright before a judge (48 hours) or you MIGHT be issued a citation with a promise to appear in court at a later date. Do this on your own terms when you are ready so someone else doesn't catch you unprepared. Once the warrant is served you no longer have to worry about it. With some luck, due to the time that has passed, you might have it resolved very easily.

In my area you could not even get into the jail with this type of warrant, but each jurisdiction is different.
can I be arrested ?

In the abstract, virtually anything is possible.

how can they issue a arrest warrant on this if it's been so long?

I doubt you really want to know how a warrant is issued. Rather, I'm guessing that we're supposed to infer that a warrant was, in fact, issued for one or both of the "hot checks" you mentioned and want to know why that happened given the ages of the checks. Needless to say, we have zero information about your case beyond what you've told us.

Can I tell them to leave me alone?

I don't know to whom "them" refers, but you presumably have the ability to tell anyone anything like. Again, however, I doubt this is the question you intended to ask. If your intent was to ask whether the unknown persons in question must give heed to your command that they "leave [you] alone," the answer is no. Your commands don't carry any legal weight (especially if "them" refers to law enforcement officers). And, again, if your intent is to ask about specifics relating to your case, we're in no position to answer that.

Do I have a harrasment case?

Nothing in your post suggests you do, but your post is quite unclear about exactly what has happened. You are, of course, free to consult with a local attorney to review your situation.
If I had a hot check in 2014 and then one in 2002, the statue of limitations are up after 2 years, can I be arrested ? And how can they issue a arrest warrant on this if it's been so long?
One thing you should keep in mind is that "warrants" never expire.regardless of a statue of limitations,so yes,you can still be arrested,just nor prosecuted.Even so,a statute of limitations have numerous rules that apply to them,and they can be what is known as "tolled"(the clock stops running) under various circumstances.
It sounds to me though with the passage of time,and the fact that you have paid the checks,not much will come of it. yes,you can still be arrested,just nor prosecuted.

The offense can still be prosecuted if the warrant was issued before the SOL passed. Once the warrant was issued the SOL isn't even a factor anymore.

This does sound like something a prosecutor might not be inclined to pursue.

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