Theft class c

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New Member
I was recently alleged to have stolen something from a local store. I am 18 I was arrested and sent to jail I paid a $282 fine and was wondering how to get it off my record it was under $50 they did take my fingers prints as well as picture
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I was recently alleged to have stolen something from a local store. I am 18 I was arrested and sent to jail I paid a $282 fine and was wondering how to get it off my record it was under $50 they did take my fingers prints as well as picture

Some records can be expunged.

But, that doesn't eliminate things that employers and government agencies can still see.

The ONLY way to eliminate any and all crimes of which you were convicted is to obtain an executive pardon (for state crimes that's a pardon by the state's governor, or federal crimes, a pardon by the president).

Any pardon is rare, and they are often doled out to loyal partisans, political donors, or well heeled benefactors (or their relatives).

Don't expect the conviction you plead to to ever be fully erased.

That said, you're free to discuss the particulars with a local attorney or two.

They'll often meet with you initially free of charge.
If you took something from a retail store, your name might show up in a theft retail data base that member companies can report thefts to & also check for thefts by name.
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