Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Theft of Government Property


New Member
A 21 y.o. and a 19 y.o. were caught shoplifting from a Navy Military Base Exchange. They had left the store with two beats headphones and Loss Prevention caught them and escorted them to their office. They were asked to return the items and left in the back room for about an hour while the military police was called and they were given a court notice for Title 18 Section 641 and were given a fine from the NEX of $200 as well as a thirty day ban from the base. They are dependents of their fathers whom are both retired. They were told they'd receive a court date in the mail. Because this was done on the base what is likely to happen when they appear in court? Their fathers are retired, would they be notified of the situation if they are both over 18? What is going to happen exactly?
Given they have clean records fines, community service,possible classes and, probation. Add ban from base and likely Civil Demand. I am a Retail theft consultant and answer question slike yours daily.
If convicted of stealing from a military exchange, you'll probably be banned for a year from entering the exchanges, commissary, as well as a specific base ban.

Some people lose their ID cards for a period of time, too.

I suggest you BOTH plead NOT guilty, and ask if you qualify for public defenders.

You best also immediately come clean with your sponsor.

You might need to end up hiring your own lawyer.

This type of conviction will eventually cause you great pain.

Jail is unlikely, but jobs could be hard to find, as well as other stings because you will be eventually known as thieves, IF CONVICTED.

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