Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Theft

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New Member
I was an employee at JC Penny, I bought merchandise and then refunded my card back but never brought the merchandise back in. This a 1st offense for me, I have no prior records or anything. They totaled all the stolen merchandise to be $778.48 but when i totaled it (I have all the receipts) it is leeser than that. Can you help me?
What help are you looking for? You're not going to get away free and clear.

They will most likely drop the felony charges to misdemeanor embezzelment (depending on what state you're in and if you're lucky), make you pay restitution and do a ton of community service in lieu of jail time. You will more than likely be put on informal probation for a few years as well.

Unfortunately, most jobs require you to disclose any crimes you've been charged with, so you will have to admit to it because it doesn't go away.
Yeah, I agree with everything so far. The best bet is to forget about the amount of money for now and focus on trying to get your sentence reduced as much as possible. The better the lawyer the better you can succed at this. But, all in all, you will not get out free and clear for sure. Best of luck though
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