Parole, Probation Theft

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New Member
I'm 16 from Florida and stole about 350$ worth of makeup so it's a felony charge. I also ran from the cops and got away but ended up going back to the store to turn myself in. My probation officer said she's going to request to the judge that I get my charges erased and just do probation and community service. What do you think the judge will say? How long will my probation be and what time will my curfew be?
Nobody can predict the future for you. Your probation officer or an attorney can give you the best guess.
I wouldn't count on it all just being erased, but there is always a possibility of minimizing the damage done.
You should discuss everything with your parents.
Have your parents hire you a lawyer, or request the court to appoint one for you.
You're a minor.
If you were an adult, it'd be a felony.
For juvies, if adjudicated (not convicted), its a DELINQUENT ACT.
You don't go to prison.
You go to Juvie home or a state Juvie facility at worst.
Relax, the worst that could happen is you'll be on probation until you're 18.
But, if you commit one more act, you'll be LOCKED away at a Juvie camp or home.
You'll also ruin your life.
You're stealing make up, so I'm guessing you're a girl.
That'll get you a bit softer treatment, too.
Your probation officer is supporting you.
This is likely your last chance. Don't blow it.
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You already talked to your PO - you need to talk to your parents & a lawyer. No one here can know for sure what the judge will decide.
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