Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion Theft


New Member
Hi, I got caught by ( S***s ) shop lifting by these two guys that can up to me and asked me for two shirts that I had stole, I tried to deny it at first but was scared since they since they would call the police so I go inside at out it back and they soon ask me to follow them to the back to a room. So hey ask me question and soon enough a polic officer comes and arrests me , I'm then taking to the police station and kept in a little cell where they continue asking me questions. I get released and a week after get a letter from s***s asking for $350 , I paid it and now I am soon to attend court . What do I do ? What can I do ? I need help please! And how can I get a free lawyer ? Is a hired one better ?
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. If you can afford an Attorney you dont get a Public defender. Go to court plead NOT guilty and request public defender. Judge will give you new court date and how to find out how to get or qualify for Public defender will be explained
Provide proof of payment of the $350 to the attorney and your criminal case might magically go away. This will take some time to get settled.
Don't say a word about anything to anyone other than the attorney you eventually are assigned.

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