Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft theft


New Member
I was charged with theft but I wasnt the one stealing I paid the probation and restitution it was 1900. It happened in 2013 how can i get it off my record?
How old are you at the time?

We're you charged with a misdemeanor?

You will find the task to be easiest with the help of an attorney. It is not necessarily expensive. Contact a local attorney and ask about expunging your record.
I was charged with theft but I wasnt the one stealing I paid the probation and restitution it was 1900. It happened in 2013 how can i get it off my record?

The only way any criminal conviction is clered from the records of the government, including the FBI, is if you receive a full excutive pardon.

In your predicament, that would be the LA governor.
I believe his name is John Bel Edwards.

For a misdemeanor, that's never going to happen.

Yes, states tout record cleansing scams, but that has no effect on the DOJ's FBI & it's national fingerprint & mugshot repository.

Truth is, there's no real relief from a criminal conviction.

If you don't want to suffer repercussions form a criminal conviction don't break any of their laws.

If you obey their laws, all of their laws, your record will remain as pristine as the day you were born.
The most practical reason to have your record expunged is if it is causing employment problems. A theft record can result in that.

As noted above, the record isn't really destroyed, just hidden from view of certain people. If it was a juvenile offense it may disappear on its own after a certain time.

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