Third Party Collector Says He's Police Officer

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Georgia

I January of 2007 I took out a payday loan over the internet from payday2go.They were supposed to send a loan packet with the phone number I needed to fax in order to pay off the loan.After about two months I still hadn't received anything in the mail ,:( ,After this time I had paid at least 350.00 in interest.I couldn't remember the name of the company (mother of four to jobs = short term memory)so I closed my checking account thinking then they would contact me.I had not heard from them until I received a call this month at work and on my voice mail from a man claiming to be a polce officer threatning to have me fired and he said he would have me put in jail if I did not pay 1500.00 . The original loan was for 300.00 ,:eek:,I called payday2go after getting the name from the man that called me and they said it had been sold to a third party collections.In trying to find out if I could really be put in jail for this I found out payday loans have been illegal in Georgia since 2004.So I have two questions can I be put in jail for not paying the 1500.00 he's demanding .Also how can I prove he's not with the police and stop the threats.I have never dealt with anything like this so I may be wrong but when he calls its from 919 000 0000 and the call back number is a 215 area code and I just don't think a real police officer would threaten and demand money,:rolleyes:,Could you please give me some advice,:bye:
Thank you for the advice while I don't mind paying the loan I felt 1500.00 was too much and didn't feel I should be threatend .I have reported the man to the F.T.C . But they are still refusing to give me the name of the company all they will say is they are officers with the North Carolina Sheriffs office.I have verfied this is not true.It's just amazing what some companies do.Anyway thanks again at least I'll be able to sleep and not be stressed out .
No, I second that - when was the last time you heard of a police officer moonlighting as an undercover collections agent? besides this - they have no jurisdiction outside of law enforcement and as previously stated this is civil
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