This Conforms What I've Always Known, a Majority of People are Perverts and Deviates!

army judge

Super Moderator
A new report claims that a staggering 42% of people would have sex with a robot.
Surveying over 1,200 people, AI company Tidio found that 4 in 10 people said they would sleep with a humanoid robot. Men were more likely to say yes, with 48% saying they're up for it – compared to only 33% of women.

However, it's likely to be a "no wires attached" situation, as just 39% believe they could have a romantic relationship or fall in love with an AI.

Sex robots are coming on in leaps and bounds. Dr David Levy, founder of the International Congress on Love & Sex with Robots, earlier told the Daily Star that once robots are able to speak and listen like humans, they will be available for romantic relationships.

"There are people who have feelings of love for their sex dolls so I think the potential is there for a large amount of humans to fall in love with sex robots but the technology isn't there yet," Dr Levy said.

He continued: "I'm pretty much convinced that by 2050 there will be software that can carry on conversation that will be as good as one can have with a human.

The Tidio survey also revealed some of people's deep anxieties around the role of AI and automation in the economy.

When it came to the jobs most likely to be replaced by AI, 63% of respondents said cashiers were going to be replaced, followed by drivers (51%) and translators (42%).

Meanwhile, more than 60% said they would use a self-driving AI taxi during heavy traffic.

The gender divide in perceptions of AI was mirrored throughout the study, with men twice as likely to trust artificial intelligence than women – including letting a robot operate on them or teach their children.

More than 40% of us want to sleep with sex robot – with men more keen than women
Well, if the "majority" of people are deviants...wouldn't it mean that they're actually the "normal" ones? :p
How does 42% get you to a "majority" of people being deviants and perverts?

This particular study had no influence on my beliefs.

I need only look and listen to derive my belief about deviates and perverts.

By the way, I never mentioned DEVIANTS.

I used the word DEVIATES.

Deviate and deviant do not mean the same thing.

As nouns the difference between deviant and deviance is that deviant is a person who deviates, especially from norms of social behavior while deviance is (sociology) actions or behaviors that violate formal and informal cultural norms such as laws and customs.
I collect torture devices from the middle ages and dress up like the Spanish Inquisition.

You didn't expect that, did you?

Well, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

True, and I might add no one wants anything to do with any inquisitor from any nation or planet.

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