Those Loveable Taliban Are Blocking Routes to Kabul Airport

army judge

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The loveable, irascible Taliban care so deeply about the safety of all people in their beautiful country of Afghanistan.

Now the NEW, VERSION 2.0 Taliban are blocking the local routes to the airport to keep EVERYONE safe.

Meanwhile President Pringle is chipper and every so crispy today.

Our Great, Dear, Revered, Admired, Caring Potato Head in Chief remains silent; curled up in a fetal position, sucking his thumbs.

Taliban Block Routes to Kabul Airport, Hampering Evacuations From Afghanistan
President Pringle and Vice-President Pringle see their soaring popularity waning, some say plunging.

Oh, the ever so delicious irony.

Beware the looming mid-terms...



US President Joe Biden is facing dropping approval ratings as he deals with a backlash from both sides of the political aisle for his handling of the military withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Fewer than half of Americans surveyed approve of the president's performance, according to a poll conducted by Rasmussen, the results of which were published on Tuesday, and 54% disapprove. Among that majority, 45% "strongly disapprove". Only 27% expressed "strong" approval of the Democrat.

Tracking from Rasmussen and other surveys shows Biden has been facing declining public approval ratings for weeks. Criticism of his performance in the White House has meanwhile reached a new level, with both liberal and conservative critics labeling the ongoing Afghanistan withdrawal a failure.

Rep. Jim Langevin (D-Rhode Island), a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, broke with his party's leader in an article in Foreign Policy magazine on Tuesday, in which he called the handling of the withdrawal a "catastrophe."

Biden's approval rating continues to fall amid Afghanistan chaos, which even Democrats are calling a 'catastrophe'

CIA warned of rapid Afghanistan collapse. So why did U.S. get it so wrong?
When your own administration O'Bama states don't ever underestimated Joe's ability to screw things up then you know you are dealing with a special kind of stupid.

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