Threat of termination, I had left my current employer

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in June of 2005 to go to a new job I subsequently purchased a house that was a money pit and was struggling at my new job and had a nervous breakdown and went on medication, my former boss was trying to convince me to come back and I told him I had been sick and needed a less stressfull job. I started to get better and eventually 10 months after my old boss asked me back I went back. A month after I rejoined my boss fell ill with cancer and I was left to run the whole department and I also had to take on additional responsibilites outside thedept. I couldnt handle the stress and started to act inappropriately - using foul language and losing my temper often. I have now been warned that if I dont seek psychological help (which I am quite willing to do) I will be terminated and I must follow the companys orders every step of the way - such as I am not allowed to take a vacation as they want to see improvement every day.

Should I sue them? Or is this all my fault?

I agree you can't sue; however, Do your employers know you have a mental disability? Do you have a doctor's statement that you have a disability? Does the company employ more than 15 people? If yes, yes, and yes, then you may be able to ask for accomodations at work that are "reasonable" Talk to the HR department, get a letter from your doctor concerning your disability and need for "reasonable" accomodations and present it to HR, see the counselor that your company is urging you to see. Fowl language and a bad temper isn't considered a part of a disability but if you are anxious/stressed out and have been treated by psychiatric medications then your employer has a right to know and you will also be protecting your rights as a disabled worker. Good luck. Your request for accomodations based on your disability needs to be in writing from you supported by a doctor's diagnosis and statement of disability and that you need x-y-z-accomodations. MUST BE REASONABLE!
I don't have any problems with calilly's response above but I just want to reiterate that allowing you to use foul language or act inappropriately is NOT protected under the ADA and even with a reasonable accomodation in place, you can be fired for inappropriate behavior or language. The employer does not need to accept any behavior in a disabled employee that would not be acceptable in a non-disabled employee.
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