Threat to fire me if I don't work overtime

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New Member
I work in New York City and work as an hourly worker in the restaurant industry. I was told that I need to increase my hours. I don't get paid a lot and I really value my weekends. They want me to work 6 days a week by having an alternating Saturday or Sunday two times per month, 10 hours a day during the summer. They said they cannot afford to pay me overtime so it is the same lousy pay but just more hours and beginning this week. If I would have known I would have tried to find another job so it's really tough at the moment. If I say no, can they just fire me? If I agree because I need the money right now and they know I can't find a job on short notice, is it illegal for them not to pay me overtime wages?
It is legal for them to increase your hours. It is legal for them to fire you if you refuse to work more hours.

If you work more than 40 hours in a week, they MUST pay you overtime. However, NY is not one of the three states which has daily overtime, so working ten hours a day is not enough in and of itself to make the time overtime eligible; only if it puts you over 40 for the week.
Agree with cbg. Here is a link to a wage claim form for New York DOL if your employer *does not* pay you overtime when it is required. (worked over 40 hrs. in work week) Read the form for information & instructions.
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