Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Threatend to be arrested

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New Member
:dunno::angel "Holding My Breath" Several months ago my wife and I, lost our home due to the financial crisis. We stayed at her friends home for 2-weeks then moved into a small Apt. . Approx. 6-weeks after moving into our cozy Apt. we went back to my wifes friend to retreive our truck . To make a long story short, my wifes "ex-friend now" , put a lein on our truck and took us to small claims court.. We were unable to attend the hearing due to my wife became suddenly Ill the hearing date, however we contacted the Clerk of the Court to request a postponment. The Court Clerk told us to call back later in the day and when we did, we were told a judgement was entered and we would recieve notice in the mail. We received a Judgement Notice for $240.00, so we went back to where our truck was at and the lady refused to answer the door, so we sent a "certified letter" with the Judgement amount and it was returned marked "Refused". We had became so distraught over this ordeal, we hired a "Repo-man" to get our truck back.
**My Question is: Now we have our truck in our possesion, the ex-friend called the police and said; we stole the truck? **We were contacted by the police and threatend with being arrested if we did not return our truck to this ex-friends . *What grounds can we be arrested for?
""Please Help""!!!
If the lien was not released then you could be arrested for Grand Theft Auto. You should give the X friend back the truck -go to the court and paid them in full for the judgement in cash and get a release of judgement right then, and see what the courts can do about getting this cleared up ASAP
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