threatened Tresspass and Eviction

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Washington

I am a Disabled Person on a fixed income, and reside in a LIHTC (Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program) Property. Through Aging and Disability in my city, I have both Licensed and Volunteer Home Health care, which are reqired for my basic living needs. Last friday my landlord posted both a "Tresspass Notice" (threatening immeidate arrest, if found in, around, or in any unit), and a "3-Day Notice to Quit", Named on both these documents was my Home Care Providers Name, not mine (although the 3-day notice also has the language "And All Others Occupying the Property At"). My Landlord went on Vacation the following day, having made no attempt, other than a telephone message (on Fri, the same day the notices were put on my door), claiming he had complaints from other Tenants about my Providor. As a resident in an HUD governed property, what are my rights? I am a Tenant in Good Standing, with no verbal or written warnings of any violations to my Lease or Building Rules, and have never even been late in paying my rent. Can my Landlord Tresspass a Providor deemed neccessay for my health and safety, mearly because another tenant complains about thier coming and going? ((I also suspect that they don't like the fact that he is a very outspoken gay rights activist) and his sexual activities outside of my home do not concern me, or effect the quality of care I recieve from him) .

I was moved into this property by the City at their expense, two years ago, as a part of a relocation program as my former property was purchased by the City for a Transportaton Project. My Disability, and my care Providors were fully vetted ((Background Criminal and Financial checked)and/or Licensed) by the city prior to this move; as well the former Manager of the property met with the citys' agent, and my care providors, and was fully aware of my needs prior to a lease being signed, and documentaton of same was supplied to the landlord. Being very low income, it would be a great hardship to secure a new Apt and move; what recourse do I have to prevent eviction?

As well, do I (or my care Providor) have a case for Discrimination or Harrassment; I thought that only a Judge could tresspass by court order, as long as the tresspass wan't Criminal. I need Advice.
Attempt to find out what, specifically, your neighbors have complained to your landlord about your caregiver. And yes, your landlord can address concerns from your neighbors regarding your caregiver if these concerns are significant enough to warrant legal action.

You may have the right to have caregivers but not necessarily this particular one (again, depending on what he may have done to provoke complaints from your neighboring tenants).

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