Threats to manhood and livelihood

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Female supervisor:
1. On numerous occasions used vulgarity (i.e. Mother F####) towards me. Even screamed profanities at me inches from my face in a violent manner.
2. On two occasions was told to "be a man."
3. Allowed and or overlooked harassment of hair and threats to my livelihood by other employees.
4. Came to my parent's home and harassed and threatened to invade parents home.

Note, I was having nightmares and sleepless nights because of this and quit. Approximately ten years ago I worked for an employer that allowed similar behavior and a coworker came in and shot the place up.

Question: Unemployment denied and want to appeal the decision. What do I do? Money is tight. Need Help. Can this be considered sexual harassment?
Even if it does, that does not have any affect on unemployment. And I think it's iffy at best that it's SH.

Were the police called with regard to the "home invasion"?
Thanks for the reply.
No she backed down when when told they would be called. Should have probably called them for the report.

Does this mean I have no right to appeal the unemployment benefits?
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You don't have much for an unemployment claim .
This is more of a hostile work environment issue than it is sexual harassment... you should have raised the issue to a higher level before you quit. It sounds like there is a lot of info missing from this story.
I did go to higher ups. Told to lool at bigger picture. Told with the economy the way it is its an employers market. Threatened that you dont want a meeeting with this individual. Other employeees have quit the company for similiar reasons.

Are there any agencies to report this employer to?
Like I said this place is going to end up on the news one; Extremely hostile work invornement from the owner level. The bosses I'm talking about are also owners in the company. What are my civil rights?
I'm not saying you can't appeal. I'm saying that whether you do or do not have a claim for any kind of harassment or discrimination is handled by a completely different agency. You don't claim discrimination/harassment with the UI office.

The term, hostile work environment has a very specific meaning under employment law. Can you give me more details about what you meant by #3 in your list above? Vulgarities, even screamed at you, do not give you any kind of legal recourse and I seriously doubt that, taken by itself, being told to "be a man" does either. But I don't have enough info to say if you have any kind of claim under your #3.
Thank you for your time. After the incident were my boss was inches from my face screaming with other coworkers laughing at me, my creditability was lost. Not good at typing and or explaining myself because of head injury but will do my best. In addition to numerous attaches of screaming at me and using vulgarity (i.e. mother f###'r, shut the f### up, don't f### move…) there is more to it. After the attach were she was inches from my face I lost all credibility. It became open season on my hair style by coworkers while she watched. I was even told by here that she didn't care when another employee threatened me that he was good friends with the local police and would have them get me. Further, she told me she didn't care when the same employee mailed an anonymous letter to the company of my driving and alleged criminal records to the company. I can go on and on; have witnesses; even have an individual that spoke to her on my behalf. It is my opinion that she wanted this newly formed division of the company to fail and me be the escape goat or did not want the extra work of the new division There are cases were she would miss direct me to do things and then the head of field operations would come down on me for the cost associated with work done. Even seen other companies at work on weekends doing work directly related to my divisions' responsibility and then shorting our division a forty hour work week. You tell me? I'm not just going to sit back and grin and bare it. I nearly committed suicide at the height of this abuse until a family member stopped me. Please help me. Need to find a legal remedy? Or a government agency to report the abuse to. P.S. I'm not the only person that left this company because of here.
I'm not seeing a clear cut legal claim but in view of everything that has happened I don't think it would do any harm to discuss this with an employment attorney. If only for your own piece of mind.
In most states, what you allege would be sufficient grounds to quit a job. Nothing gained without trying, take a shot and tell it to the Unemployment Commission. Chances are the witch won't show at the hearing anyway!

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Find an employment law atty in your area and discuss with them (you should be able to get a free consultation). It could very well be considered sexual harrassment. State laws often times offer more protection than Federal laws, but if you feel strongly about it, you can file a complaint with the EEOC ot a charge with the Ohio Human Rights Commission, or both. Employers are liable for the actions of their supervisory and management personel. Even if you file a compaint with one or both state/fed agency, it is still in your best interest to discuss with an employment law atty the works with employees only.
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