Three Days Notice & Demand to Pay Rent

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New Member
I had gotten behind on my rent this past month due to unpaid time taken off for a back injury which resulted in losing some days at work which I was not paid for. I've already submitted two checks in payment for the past month's rent plus the late fees for both April and May of 2010. A Three Days Notice & Demand to Pay Rent document was left at my doorstep on the night of 05/21/2010. It states that if I don't pay the amount owed by 05/25/2010, summary proceedings would be brought for my eviction. The statement the landlord annexed to the document which gave a breakdown on what was due did not include the second payment which was received and deposited by the landlord. I already have a third of the amount owed but would not have the remainder until the next two weeks. What can I do to resolve this without any further action from my landlord?
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If you are still past due then you need to do what you can to get caught up. You won't be evicted on the 25th though, that will just be the start of the court process which will take a few more weeks at minimum. Even if you miss the 3 day deadline, pay the past due balance as soon as possible and the landlord should stop whatever eviction proceedings have begun by then.
If you are not past due, and this is because the landlord has not accounted for one of your checks, then just provide evidence of the cashed check and give them opportunity to correct their mistake.
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