Ticket for License plate light that was too bright

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New Member
My brothers son recently was pulled over by local police, two nights in a row.
They said he was driving with a suspended license. He got his license reactivated in November of 08, he had an insurance lapse. He had the paperwork on it regarding the reinstatement at his home. Was given a ticket. 2nd night was pulled over by the same dept, and the officer stated he knew he was drving with a suspended license. This time he had someone bring the paperwork down to show the officer. The officer then gave him a ticket for in improper license plate light, stating it was beyond 32 candlepower. It was a single white led light. Is there a law in NY against a white led license plate light? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
For what section was he cited? What was the number/letter code?

- Carl
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