Ticketed for violating Move over Law (GA) Help!

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New Member
I was driving back to home from Atlanta. While I was driving I saw a vehicle pulled over by 2 polices. Since I was in the right lane (close to where the car was pulled over) I wanted to move over to the other lane but there was big red truck on my right side. I slow down to let the truck pass first but the truck slowed down with me. Only way I could've moved over was if I speed over the speed limit and pass the truck but I was scared that I would get fine for speeding. So instead I slowed down little bit and continued on the lane that I was on. But I got pulled over and got ticket for violating the 'move over law'. This is my very first ticket (ever) and I am so terrified after reading that the fine could go up to $500! Is there anything I could do to reduce or even dismiss the fine?

Here are some things that happened that might benefit me (maybe?)

1. I was unable to move over because the truck was blocking the way and would not slow down or speed up.
2. I did slow down (maybe not as dramatically but definitely below the speed limit) and tried to stir to the right lane as much as possible.
3. There was a hill before where police was at so I didn't have much time to change the lane.
3. When I got pulled over the police didn't even bother to explain why I was pulled over. He literally just asked for my license and tried to walk away so I had to stop him and ask what I did wrong. He also did not ask for insurance card, car registration, etc
4. As he was writing my ticket AND after he charged me (sitting in his car), about 6 cars passed by the right lane (NOT moving over OR slowing down) but he did not even bother to look over them.
5. Again, this is my very first time ever being pulled over and being ticketed.

My court day is in February (and right now is November) is court day usually that far apart? I'm such a newbee when it comes to anything like this..so please let me know EVERYTHING that I could possibly do!
The only thing which might help is #1. The others are irrelevant.

You're expected to drive responsibly and according to the law and that includes contingencies for mishaps on the route.
The Georgia Move-Over Law requires drivers to move-over one lane when possible if an emergency vehicle with flashing lights is parked on the shoulder of the highway. And if traffic is too heavy to move-over safely, the law requires drivers to slow down below the posted speed limit instead AND to be prepared to stop.

All you have to do is slow down, if you can't move over. In most states, the law says slow down to 20 MPH below the posted speed limit. In a few states, it's 30MPH below the posted speed limit.

You can consult a local traffic attorney, but traffic tickets are hard to beat. The "slow down" or "pull over" law is an especially hard one to beat, much like passing a stopped school bus.

From your post, you don't understand the law. It's not necessary to pull over to comply with the law, it's more about lowering your speed limit to 20-30 MPH below the posted speed limit. If the speed limit is 70, you would be required to drive less than 50MPH in GA. Read the link below, educate yourself!!!!

- See more at: http://www.gahighwaysafety.org/highway-safety/move-over-law/#sthash.J7ESGJm7.dpuf
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Had OP slowed 20 -30 mph, he could have moved over behind the truck. It would have messed up his "groove".

Had OP slowed between 20-30MPH, he would NOT have had to move over.

He was within the law by SLOWING down more than 20MPH, or he could have come to a STOP as he slowed.

Many people confuse the intent of the law, it simply is to get you to slow down.

You only are required to move over, if you can do so safely.
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