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what can I do if a male co-worker cursed me at work and I defended myself and was fired for it , he was allowed to stay even though we both were suspended he was allowed to return to work, Even though I have reported him as being a problem to me for quite some time, Harrasing me and bulling me on the job. They did nothing to assits me in either matter but I was fired for miscondut and being rude to a co-worker even thoug I didnt curse hime back, becasuse I responed to him I was fired. Co-workers I later found out had made false statements about me on his behalf that lead to my firing. EEOC is involved but I have more questions can you help? can I sue the co-workers who made false statements against me in this matter? what can I exspect in this matter?
You're free to sue anyone you want to sue. The statements they give aren't false because you say they are false. You must prove them false, if you bring a lawsuit. That won't be easy, in fact it's probably impossible if 6 or 8 people are saying XYZ and you're the only one saying ABC.

Sometimes you need to know when to just walk away.

You can expect very little except more of the same baloney they've been serving you. But, if they keep their stories straight, and stick together, you can expect more losses.
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Additionally, there could be quite a few very legal and very valid reasons why he was not fired. The fact that you were and he was not is NOT, in and of itself, proof of illegal discrimination.
It would only be illegal discrimination if you were terminated due to a reason prohibited by law - religion, gender, race.....

All employees do not have to be treated the same as long as you are not discriminated against due to a reason prohibited by law. As cbg noted, they could have legal reasons for keeping him but not you.

You can see what the EEOC decides.
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