To spy or not to spy

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I have a question for the legal eagles out there. I have a friend in TX going through a divorce. She has asked me to set up an account on a chatroom her husband frequents to obtain information that she might be able to use in court. Is this even legal? The site is
technically a public domain (requires password but no money to register) but it doesn't sit well with me. I'm not sure she could prove or disprove that his statements on this chatroom are actual opinions of his or if he's just joking

I have asked her to discuss this with her attorney but she has reluctant to do so.

Any thoughts ?

If you have to ask the question....
It is legal for you make contact with anyone online who adheres to the policies of the website…..You are okay talking to anyone or playing legal games online….provided you are not conspiring or breaking the law……..The fact is whatever you get would probably not be admissible on the ground of what you said above……. The web has people impersonating different people and aliases legally and is not enough to prove who really is online…….Unless her husband admits he is the one……….His lawyer could throw it out. Her would is not enough for such a virtual interaction or evidence……….even the provenance and authenticity of the transcript would be put into question.
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