Told I must improve my disabilties

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I have several disabilities which my employer is aware about.
He gave me a letter to sign that went into my personnel file with states improvements that I must make. The improvements include new programs he wants instituted and I am working on, and the other is to improve my attitude, because I am "unapproachable."
I am, very approachable if you are able to ignore the look on my face, but the reason I appear "unapproachable" is because of my disabilities and the medications I take for them. My doctor was blown away by this statement and apologized that their is nothing that can be done in light of my situation other tha staying away from him, which is what I already do.
I was also told to socialize more with my colleagues, whom I like, and they do not seem to find me unapproachable since they alwasy smile and say hi when they see me, and know they are welcome to come see me if they ever need my help.
I can't do anything about my employer thinking me to be "unapproachable." Believe you me, I wish I could just throw my disabilities into the trash and get rid of them, but I cannot do so- yet I must improve the if I want to keep my job. He knows it is due to my disabilities, which I even reminded him of, but he still expects that improvement and I now fear of the loss of my emplyment is at stake.
Can he do this knowing my situation? I even reminded him of my situation and it still didn't matter.
Yes, he can do it.
He's already done so, hasn't he?

But, if what you've related is accurate, you might wish to file a claim against him for violating the ADA. You could start with your state's EEOC or agency.

You could also speak with an attorney.
We don't know if OP's disabilities fall under the protection of the ADA. More info needed...
Well, I already have a case against my employer with the EEOC for violation of my ADA rights because my disabilities are covered, but the lazy sob said it wasn't a violation. I asked him how it could not be a violation, and he never replied. I have heard stories, yes I'll call them stories for now, that some EEOC investigators don't/can't try very hard because of their case loads, and when I spoke to an attorney for the EEOC 6 months ago about something he said wasn't a violation she was preety annoyed with his statement, and then a week laster he started singing a new tune.
Someone told me to file with the EEOC, but to get a lawyer as well and have my lawyer make sure that the EEOC does their job, regardless of how busy an investigator may whine he is. Lawyers are expensive, and I am the sole wage earner of a family of 5, so lawyer fees are a scary thought if I want to feed, clothe, and shelter my family until the dust settles.
Now I am into a 2 week wait for an answer to a simple acommodation that only requires swithing offices with a colleague as they "consider it." I feel really bad for those whom are worse off than me, I can't begin to imagine what they go through.
EEOC/ADA Questions

My suggestion to you would be to try to find a plantiff only employment law attorney to work with. Some may be willing to take the case on a contigency fee basis. Best of luck.
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