Told I was hired, resigned from current mgmt position, now I'm not hired

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I do not know if I have a case, that is what I'm trying to determine. Can I sue an employer for telling me I am hired and I start on oct 19th, and then calling me 1 week before that date and telling me I no longer have a job. As a result of being told that, I resigned from my management position at my current job and I can no longer get it back, resulting in a loss of $2/hr and management benefits.

I was advised by company B that I was hired and I start on oct 19th. I have emails, and voicemails to prove that i WAS hired, and i DID have a job.

Edit: The reason given for not hiring me is that they are no longer hiring full time employees. This is after I was told multiple times that I WAS definitely hired. I went through several interviews, and rearranged my life around this new job and received a phone call a week before my starting date and was told that I no longer have a job there. I completely screwed up my current job by resigning to prepare for the new career (we are required to work our final 2 weeks after resigning from a management position, so I did so to prepare for the new job).
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I doubt you have a case. The problem is that they are not required to keep you after they hire you. So I can't imagine how much your damages would be. They are allowed to change their minds for little or no reason. That really sucks for you though.
You lost 2/hr, your life isn't ruined, though I'm sure it sucks. You know, you might be able to recover some of that money. If you file a small claims court suit against the company (companies has small claims because they have to hire an attorney). You might be able to get them to settle for $2500 or so. It would help you cover your losses. You can sue even if you don't have a case. They might settle just to keep from having to try the case.
First go the the Secretary of State's website and look up the company you want to sue. Find their registered agent's name and address. Go to the county where the registered agent is and find the Magistrate or small claims court. If you go there they will have a form to fill out. It will ask what your case is. Type something short and sweet:

I was hired by this company and assured I had a job. I relied upon their promise and quit my other job. Before I started my new job the company fired me from my new job. I have suffered damages as a result and would like to be reimbursed. Sue for compensatory damages in the amount of the max that the court can review. $10,000 in Texas.

Here is a how to guide published by the bar in your state. It should answer your questions. Good luck.
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