towed car and need to get personal effect out but no go

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New Member
so my car has been towed about 3 times from maxx auto recovery the first 2 times non-legitamently the first time the apartment complex where i live payed the towing fee the second time i had to pay for and the third is my fault , my car got towed for expired tags, i dont have the money to get my car out i am unemployed, so i want to get my personal belongings out of the car and they said in order for me to get my belongings out i have to pay 150 dollars to get my personal effects out of the car this seems like it is highly wrong what can i do ? they will crush or sell my car in less than 18 days!
Your only recourse is submit to their demands (to save your stuff), and then file a lawsuit.

The lawsuit probably won't go anywhere, but you can pursue if this troubles you.

Personally, I'd pay the $150, if my stuff is worth more than that to me.

But, I would have not let my registration expire.
As long as your belongings are not part of the car, such as stereo, speakers, or other parts, you should be able to recover them. Contact your local law enforcement and see if they will do a civil standby/keep the peace while you recover your items from the car. The police presence might cause the tow company to be a bit more cooperative. Their reason for demanding the payment is because they want your money, not your car. The tow company only has a right to the vehicle, not the rest of your property.... unless Colorado has some different law from everyone else, which is possible.
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