Town has abandoned building encroaching on my property

I'm in a rural area of southwestern Virginia I had a survey done and there is an abandoned building that encroaches my property by several feet on three sides. The porch and front door are on my property a basement door is on my property. The building is being pushed off its foundation by the mountain side it was improperly built into. It is sitting 98 % on the dead end of an alley owned by the town. A vagrant has taken up residency in this unsafe building.
I contacted the town and explained the situation and detailed the decay of the building and showed them my survey and deed. The town administrator yelled at me and said you are just trying to get rid of the occupant! He said well I say the buildings yours,! I was shocked. Then he threatened me and said if I do an inspection on that building then you will get the citation and have to fix or bare the cost to tear it down. Then he said and while I'm there I'll look at your house too. I'm stunned! So as a resident we are supposed to report unsafe buildings. I also clearly stated some one is living in the build and it's unsafe. I showed my proof the buildings not mine and the neighbors said the end garage facing the alley way used to store snowplow equipment and the guy that used to plow for the town lived there. I'm a single female and I feel the town administrator has bullied, threatened and harassed me when I was only trying to do the right thing. Can the town force ownership on me. Can I demand they remove the encroachments. Because I fear any liability I sent the occupant an eviction notice stating the building is unsafe. That he should leave immediately and has 30 days to remove personal possessions. I did the eviction because the only entrances and porch are encroaching on my property.
The trouble with living in Podunk is that the local bureaucrats are likely part of the local inbred gene pool along with local lawyers.

If you want any favorable resolution you will need a big city lawyer unrelated to the local good ole boys.

Otherwise, just ignore the other property and get on with your life. Sending that notice may have been a mistake so I wouldn't follow up on it since it's not your property.
Before you do anything else, Ms. Fitzgerald, I suggest you speak to at least THREE lawyers for legal guidance.

There are remedies for what you encountered.

However, do NOTHING, say NOTHING, write NOTHING about this sordid affair.

If you locate the right lawyer, he or she will address this on your behalf.

Mum is the word for you.

Let your mouthpiece work some legal magic.

My father was born in the county where you reside.

Our family owns land in several of the local "hollers".

We also own land upon which trees are harvested.

I know the PRETENDERS who THINK they run things.

There are far greater POLS and CONNECTED than the little rat who squeakily roared at you.

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