Premises Liability Toxic Lead Exposure and Son's Case till 18

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My son and I lived in a building that was condemned for Uninhabitability. Uniquely meeting all 15 points of, in CA by Ventura Building Inspection Department. The bldg. tested positive for lead and so does my blood. My son has his case until he's 18 I'm told. I just finished the court process to reunite with my son after years of medical drama that prevented my filing in a year's deadline. I'm not sure if this is an appropriate topic for this post.

I now live in Arizona, so my son can be on the reservation and go to school here. The event was at 655 Riverside Drive, Ventura CA 93001. During that time and since, I have tried everything possible to find an attorney, going through the local Bar Assns and the CA Bar Assn. I need to find an attorney for my son so that we can pursue the Toxic Lead Exposure and subsequent damages our family experienced. We do have an open investigation by the U.S.E.P.A. Region 9 who tells me they cannot discuss the case with me, the victim.

There were two other single mothers with children, one mono-lingual with several children and one bi-lingual with two teenage boys. All illegally removed within days of the building condemnation, the landlord not only kept all our deposits making us all homeless - he charged us for the damage to the property that already existed since the 1950's where he clearly files fraudulent and forged documentation for his building permits. The landlord has the property in a trust. Which I was told the city had to file, which was severe disinformation at that time preventing my ability to file in a timely manner.

I may need advice, to narrow down my search, or to address an appropriate forum topic; but what I need is an attorney or firm that handles this type of situation specifically.
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You should start with a visit to a local attorney. Choose one that comes recommended to you by family or friends.

The initial consultation is normally free. The one you choose may not be the one to represent you or your son. But, the one with whom you initially speak will refer you to someone that is equipped to litigate your case.

Do not get your hopes up. The statute of limitations may prevent you from further pursuing this matter. That could be why you've had difficulty obtaining representation in the past. Anyway, you have a new approach. Good luck.
Thank you for your answer. Yes, my attorney practices law on the Reservation and isn't practicing in an outside area like Flagstaff. So he is unable to refer me to the type of attorney who could handle this. However, I have no problem asking him again. The Tribe is fully aware of the situation and so far, there has been no doubt to the authenticity of the claim; and have not supplied any referrals on behalf of the child who is a tribal member, and was enrolled at the time of the exposure in California. Statute of limitations applies to me like I stated. But for the child he has until he is 18. If I can prove to a court that the County or City of Ventura did in fact notify me that I could not sue a trust, then I imagine my statute of limitations expiration would be in question. Only a thorough review of the EPA investigation - as you know will ascertain that.

Any other assistance would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps the name of the subject of law, that I could search for attorney's under. Because I'm confused, is this personal injury, landlord tenant law, are there chemical exposure laws? HUD? The landlord did in fact show during the process that he was aware of the law regarding notifying a tenant that the property was subject to the mandatory lead disclosure at the signing of the lease and did not do so. It was in fact Target Housing at the time of my lease.

If I pay for a referral, I want to be sure I am able to retain the correct attorney. They would in fact be working with the information held by my attorney in my custody case, and by the attorney who co-signed my lease who represented me in a D2K case who also cannot refer me since he would be a witness in the matter.
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This was just posted today BayState by me, you keep posting to not post to dead threads, but obviously you aren't reading them. So is that spamming? I posted this thread asking for advice, and it isn't dead. The last thread I posted, was a question asking for answers not necessarily legal advice, and I posted an answer, and there were no other answers, and the answer section was not closed. So go post in dead threads, because the last two are not dead.

So thanks for the advice. But I am attempting to follow the rules. I may be new but I can read.
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This was just posted today BayState by me, you keep posting to not post to dead threads, but obviously you aren't reading them. So is that spamming? I posted this thread asking for advice, and it isn't dead. The last thread I posted, was a question asking for answers not necessarily legal advice, and I posted an answer, and there were no other answers, and the answer section was not closed. So go post in dead threads, because the last two are not dead.

So thanks for the advice. But I am attempting to follow the rules. I may be new but I can read.



I am posting on YOUR thread to ensure that you actually SEE the "request" to not necropost (posting to dead threads).
BayState - I would tend to agree with the OP on the dead post thing for one reason - if a post doesn't get a response, then later when you think it's dead someone does respond, that response may not help whoever asked the question, but maybe of help to someone else who finds the post.

Anyway - I would say double check the statute of limitations. If it is still in effect then you should have no problem finding a lawyer through the CA bar.
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