TPA's for benefits

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Happy Friday the 13th!

We are looking at getting a new TPA for our benefits. The person we currently work with is super nice but she's dropped the ball on some things, including the whole rollout of the Exchange notice. Unfortunately, it may be time to move on.

Does anyone have recommendations about companies they have worked with? We are a small business (less than 150 employees) and need someone who will keep us on top of things. I've received solicitations from ADP and Nationwide, but don't want to bother following up if their service stinks.
If you're thinking ADP, get lots and lots of local references. In the Northeast they SUCK. I am told that on the West Coast they're great. It really matters what service center you're in the jurisdiction for.
I've heard that about ADP on the payroll side, so I guess it would make sense on the benefits side as well. Thanks for your input!
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