Traded autos

Debra staley

New Member
Hello my name is Debra and a man named Chris and myself traded vehical he got my 2010 f150 I owe payments he gave3 his 1998 Rodeo and he 2as supost to take over payments put truck in his name.wont give me a bill of sale or a title nothing now with my ont even answer my texts he not making payment but one he has my truck for over 2 months.wont give it back or give me a title for rodeo.nothing can I file lost title .the cops no what the deal is
. He's not a very savory person that I'm finding out now I didn't know this before but they pulled me over twice in his vehicle thinking it was him driving but they now know it's me so the cops are aware of this and they gave me one week to get it registered cuz I've had it for a while and I'm going to start getting in trouble if I don't what do I do can I file lost title he can't take this back I'm sick I need a vehicle to get back and forth to my doctor's in Portland if you don't make if he loses my truck can he take this car back
You can file for a lost title but without proof of ownership you aren't likely to get it.

You screwed yourself royally by making a deal that should never have been made in the first place.

If you don't make the payments on your truck the lender will trash your credit.

If he has a spare set of keys to the Rodeo he can sneak over and drive off with it. He owns it. He can even just have it towed and hire a locksmith to change the locks and make a new set of keys.

I have no solution to offer you.
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a man named Chris and myself traded vehical he got my 2010 f150 I owe payments he gave3 his 1998 Rodeo and he 2as supost to take over payments put truck in his name.wont give me a bill of sale or a title nothing now with my ont even answer my texts he not making payment but one he has my truck for over 2 months.

I think what you're saying here is something like the following:

At some point in the past, you owned a 2010 Ford truck on which you were making loan payments, and Chris owned a 1998 Isuzu Rodeo. About two months ago, you and Chris decided to swap vehicles. For some unfathomable reason, you gave him possession of your Ford without getting a signed title for the Isuzu. It's not clear whether you gave him a signed title for the Ford, but I'll assume you didn't since you said you were making loan payments, so I assume the lender has the title. Chris has stopped communicating with you.

Is all that correct?

what do I do

I agree with the prior response. You traded a vehicle which (depending on the specific sub-model, condition and mileage) was probably worth several thousand dollars for one which (depending on the same factors) probably isn't worth more than several hundred dollars. In addition to having issues with the title of the Isuzu, you're still liable for the loan on the Ford. Why would you do that, and why would you do it without getting the title documents in place before exchanging vehicles? There's got to be more to this story (I have a suspicion, but I'll keep it to myself).

if he loses my truck can he take this car back

How would he "lose" "your" truck? Whether he has the legal right to take possession of the Isuzu depends on the specifics regarding the title situation. However, if title is in his name....

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