Trademark Opposition

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New Member
Over a year ago I applied to get "bongfire" trademarked. When it was published into the gazette the lawyers that represent Billabong pounced on me. They say that my trademark infringes upon their well known mark, "billabong". They also claim that it constitutes unfair competition. Billabong is a clothing company that makes anything from wetsuits to shirts. My company, Bongfire Clothing just makes shirts. About two weeks ago I received a letter from the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board telling me that it was opposed and is going to trial. It also says that an answer is due within forty days, I do not know what this means. I do not have money for a fancy lawyer so I have been trying to do it on my own. But now I do not know what to do. If there is anyone that would help me, I would greatly appreciate it. They are trying to shut us down even before we get started.

Thank you

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