Traffic accident - Lawyer took on case w/o Permission

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New Member

I don't know what to do in this situation.

My sister and I were in a car accident last year(which was not our fault..) We went to the hospital and I turned out to be okay even being pregnant. She has full coverage however the insurance co. wouldn't pay anything for the longest so my sister hired an attorney. She got some money for her car being totaled. I get a letter in the mail the other day from the lawyer saying to sign the release form from her insurance co. so they can get money from me being in the car and get it settled.. I never hired them and out of the 1,000 they want half for their "hard work" and attorny fees. My sister did the leg work as far as looking up and sending out our bills and medical records...I'm not sure what exactly what the lawyer did for half of the claim money. I tried calling the insurance adjuster and she said she couldn't talk to me because i had a lawyer.. i never signed for this lawyer.. what do I do?
It would be very unusual for a lawyer to represent you without you having him hired to do so. Are you sure you never signed anything? Are you sure this is about a potential claim of yours and not your sister's claim?
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