Traffic citation

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I remember back in Feb 2010 my mom got some ticket or citation by a cop when she cut into a parking lot area which bypassed some influx of traffic that went to and from my school. A cop that was parked there had pulled her over. She didn't speed as I recall, but he wrote her a ticket. I'm not sure if it was bs or not.
Why does it matter? Did she take care of it? If she failed to show up in court then she might have a warrant for her arrest.
What your mom apparently did is a common violation. What it boils down to is more or less like failing to stop at a stop sign.... or otherwise ignoring traffic signs/controls.
If everyone was just cutting corners and going around signs then we would just have chaos... more chaos I mean.
The idea of the citation is to encourage mom to wait more patiently for her turn to go when there is traffic so that everything goes a bit more orderly.
No, the citation is not BS.... not unless your state does not have a specific statute that addresses this... though it likely does.
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