Traitorous Former Army Sergeant Arrested For Selling US Secrets to Chi Comms

army judge

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US Federal Law
United States authorities arrested a former U.S. army sergeant and charged him for attempting to pass national defense information to China, the Justice Department said on Friday.

Joseph Daniel Schmidt, whose last duty post was Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state, was charged with federal felonies for attempting to deliver national defense information and retention of national defense information, the Justice Department said in a statement.

Ex-Army Sgt. Joseph Schmidt, 29, was arrested Friday at San Francisco International Airport after deplaning a flight from Hong Kong.

After leaving the Army in 2020, Schmidt allegedly emailed the Chinese Consulate in Turkey and Chinese security services to offer them national defense information, according to the Justice Department.

Schmidt then traveled to Hong Kong in March 2020 and allegedly offered Chinese authorities a device that would allow them to gain access to military computer networks.

While in Hong Kong, he continued his efforts to pass classified intelligence to the Chinese and "allegedly retained a device that allows for access to secure military computer networks and offered the device to Chinese authorities to assist them in efforts to gain access to such networks," the Justice Department said.

He remained in China until this week, DOJ said, when he scheduled a trip to San Francisco.

Each count carries a maximum prison sentence of 10 years in prison and as much as $250,000 in fines. He has not yet entered a plea.

Former Army Sergeant Charged With Attempting To Give Classified Information To China

Former JBLM soldier arrested in San Francisco for attempting to provide US defense secrets to China
Yeah well what did they do to the joint chief of staffer who called ChiCOM before a presidential speech? absolutely nothing.

And which staffer was this and, importantly, what classified information did he/she pass to the Chinese? It is not illegal for senior military and administration officials to call foreign officials; indeed for some of them it is part of doing their job. What matters is what was said during the call. If no classified information was disclosed, then that is the reason that official is being treated differently than the alleged traitorous former army sergeant.
And which staffer was this and, importantly, what classified information did he/she pass to the Chinese? It is not illegal for senior military and administration officials to call foreign officials; indeed for some of them it is part of doing their job. What matters is what was said during the call. If no classified information was disclosed, then that is the reason that official is being treated differently than the alleged traitorous former army sergeant.

Oh, I suspect you know who it was and who knows what was said but it was treacherous and seditious and vile like the whole party the idiot represents. He decided to retire though so his idiotic ideology can not infect any longer. Good riddance to the General Milley.

No difference just demon crats get free get out of jail cards, above the law since that is for little people.
Good riddance to the General Milley.

As someone who knows a great deal about certain military personnel, I'm puzzled how someone receives four stars without serving in combat. Commanding combat troops as a general officer, but not serving a combat tour directly once meant you'd never get one star, much less four.

The exception was during the 19th century civil war, otherwise no star for you.
As someone who knows a great deal about certain military personnel, I'm puzzled how someone receives four stars without serving in combat. Commanding combat troops as a general officer, but not serving a combat tour directly once meant you'd never get one star, much less four.

The exception was during the 19th century civil war, otherwise no star for you.

I am positive it would be a diversity hire similar to what Biden has in his circus cabinet. OBEY the new world or be destroyed by it.
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Oh, I suspect you know who it was and who knows what was said but it was treacherous and seditious and vile like the whole party the idiot represents.

So you don't even know what was said and yet you know it was treasonous? If you were the prosecutor do you think your argument that "Well, I didn't present you with any evidence of what was said or any evidence, really, beyond the fact that a phone call was made, but I urge you to find him guilty of treason" would fly in front of a jury, or from a judge reviewing the verdict? I should hope not.

The prosecution should have to have evidence proving the guilt, not just the fact that the prosecutor hates the defendant. The fact that you hate Milley (which is evident from your posts) doesn't equate to him having committed any crime, something I think you sometimes forget in your rants against those whom you do not like. Nor does the fact that he's a Democrat (if that really is the case -- serving under a Democratic president doesn't mean the officer must be a Democrat, something to which I'm sure ArmyJudge could attest). Our military officers are expected to serve the commander in chief to the best of their ability regardless of the president's party affiliation.

You are entitled to hate him and hate all Democrats if you wish. That's your right in this great nation. But before accusing anyone of a crime, you really ought to have some actual, real evidence to back it up. Your hatred doesn't count as evidence.
So you don't even know what was said and yet you know it was treasonous? If you were the prosecutor do you think your argument that "Well, I didn't present you with any evidence of what was said or any evidence, really, beyond the fact that a phone call was made, but I urge you to find him guilty of treason" would fly in front of a jury, or from a judge reviewing the verdict? I should hope not.

The prosecution should have to have evidence proving the guilt, not just the fact that the prosecutor hates the defendant. The fact that you hate Milley (which is evident from your posts) doesn't equate to him having committed any crime, something I think you sometimes forget in your rants against those whom you do not like. Nor does the fact that he's a Democrat (if that really is the case -- serving under a Democratic president doesn't mean the officer must be a Democrat, something to which I'm sure ArmyJudge could attest). Our military officers are expected to serve the commander in chief to the best of their ability regardless of the president's party affiliation.

You are entitled to hate him and hate all Democrats if you wish. That's your right in this great nation. But before accusing anyone of a crime, you really ought to have some actual, real evidence to back it up. Your hatred doesn't count as evidence.

I am not reading all this BS because at the end of the day it is all BS, what evidence do they or did they have against Trump? The liberal evil empire is out to destroy anyone who doesn't buy into their overlord agenda. Enjoy your Banana Republic that the libs have helped to create -- You get what you vote for.
I am not reading all this BS because at the end of the day it is all BS, what evidence do they or did they have against Trump? The liberal evil empire is out to destroy anyone who doesn't buy into their overlord agenda. Enjoy your Banana Republic that the libs have helped to create -- You get what you vote for.

I will remind you that I am a Republican, and have been since I was 18. I'm certainly not a "lib". But I'm also not a MAGA supporter. I do think that if you accuse someone of a crime, especially a serious one, you ought to have some evidence to back it up. Whether the person accused is Republican, Democrat, Independent, Bull Moose, or whatever other party, Biden, Trump, or anyone else that person is entitled to a presumption of innocence in court and to be proven guilty by actual evidence. I don't think its right to smear the reputation of someone when you have no evidence to support your claim. Even with Trump, whom I despise and would never vote for I'll not accuse of a crime until one is proven. If you believe in that principle, then you'll understand why I called out your unsupported claim of treason.

You can hate or like any candidate for office that you want, and I will defend your right to vote for whomever you want to represent you, even if I would make a different choice. The right to vote is one of our most important rights. I just wish more voters would take that task more seriously than they do. And it'd be nice if candidates conceded when they have lost a fair election.

I do agree with your last statement: we do get what we vote for. Unfortunately too many voters think of elections like sports, and vote for the people on their "team" regardless of whether that person is actually the best person for the job and they don't even seem to mind much when their candidate is wholly unqualified for the job. That's how we get people like some of the members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who don't care about doing the job they were elected to do and instead are all about getting as much publicity for themselves as they can.
okay so you are an anti trumper, great good for you. He is divisive but I tend to attribute that to many of his statements and interviews being cut and spliced together to make them out to be more than they are. I could care less who you vote for, it is interesting to watch as liberal cities fail and burn themselves to the ground. Nothing better than a divisive and corrupt ideology which has failed time and time again. Marxism, socialism and governmental dependency leads to communism. It is NOT proper regardless of who in command calls the opposing party and discusses things they shouldn't. So you are a never Trumper, awesome for you then I would say to you that your vote for another candidate lead to a disgrace in Afghanistan, increased global war fare, increased inflation at home, a crappy stock market, a democratic group who gave Iran 6 billion dollars in which they funded an Hamas attack on Israeli while blaming the Republicans for blocking their proxy war, and complete and utter disgrace in division of society her at home. Congratulations you got exactly what you voted for.

I do too believe that we need more options than Trump or Biden but until that happens I am voting directly for the GOP, whoever that might be.
It is NOT proper regardless of who in command calls the opposing party and discusses things they shouldn't.

I agree. But by your own admission, you have no idea what was discussed. So how do you know things were discussed that shouldn't have been? Just assuming it because it occurred while Biden is in office or have you got something else?
I agree. But by your own admission, you have no idea what was discussed. So how do you know things were discussed that shouldn't have been? Just assuming it because it occurred while Biden is in office or have you got something else?

Because the Milley clown said he told them that Trump wouldn't attack them. He disclosed potential operational strategy with a foreign adversary while working for the current administration. No one and NOT even Trump is putting the reigns on the new world gender dysphoria mental disease that seems to be gripping around half of the US population. You can mutilate yourself all you want as a consenting adult and wear wig, get breast implants, pretend to be another gender than you are, be who ever or what ever you want to be.

The world is a sick and evil place with one group wanting to rewrite history, changing everything, giving themselves awards, taking about peace and love with all groups and doing the exact opposite. While the other group tries to keep this out of adolescents minds to keep them from accepting perversion and mental illness as a norm. Then the same group that wants you to accept men in the woman's bathrooms also wants you to believe that the Republicans are the true Marxist, socialists, and Nazis. It is brilliant really, how do you destroy a country in less than 100 ways.

Trust me I have listened to the Democrats, I see how the media has covered for their BS and it is truly scary and sickening. Regardless of electing the first black president who also is/ was a cloth of the black Muslim caucus in the Senate when he served. He could have brought people together in ideas but in reality he used every chance to create a larger division. Our politics are TOXIC and only getting worse, I pray that this craziness storm passes and we are able to get back to some sense of normalcy. The end result is, I fear is total destruction. Regardless of who is our president at the current time, the current world leaders really do suck at doing their jobs.

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