Transfering Debt

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New Member
I am in a bit of a dilema. A few years back a "good" friend of mine was ina bit of a bad way and illegally used my credit card. We were room mates and she would get the mail open my mail and write herslef checks using the checks that came in my credit card statements. At the time she promised to payme back and I was put in a bad situation if I had reported the charges she would have been arrested for fraud. She has been paying the debt through a consolidation company and has been fairly good about it for sometime, However an income source that she has is coming ot an end and I fear that the payments will stop coming. The debt is still on my credit cards b ut the agreement with thte consolidatiom company is in her name. Can I legally move the debt to her name? Is this a possibility? Any Advice is really appreciated.
No, the credit card company is not going to let go of you and put her name on it with out her qualifying on her own-- if she is under a debt consolidation company- this shows on her credit report and this shows that she is in a hardship-- I doubt the credit card company will qualify her for what ever balance you owe on the account--- i am thinking you are SOL-- you may end up paying the debt yourself and having to sue her in small claims-- keep in mind debt consolidation companies are the last resort before bankruptcy.
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