Arraignment, Bail, Bonds, Pretrial Travel expenses?

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My brother is currently awaiting trial having being charged with assault. As part of the prosecutions terms he was made to leave the county until trial. At first he was sent to a hostel 10miles away but the prosecution were not happy and he is now in a hostel 40 miles away. He was currently undergoing a trial week at a job and due to the move is unable to get there. The trial has been delayed until January so Christmas will be missed with the family. Whenever he has to attend court (twice so far and twice adjourned) he has to make his own way there, which as he doesnt drive means an expensive train ticket then travel from the station to court (a further 10 miles). Is he entited to travel expenses as he was forced to move this far away? If found not guilty, is he eligible for compensation for travel costs and losing his job?
I wouldn't press this, because they could hold him in jail while awaiting trial.
I see no way that the taxpayers will reimburse him for defending himself.
Thanks for your reply.
Yes I understand this, I just find it ridiculous that on the statement of ONE person and no other evidence, someones life can pretty much be put on hold. Also they are punished (not being able to see family at Christmas and having to pay out of his own pocket to reach court) when the whole thing could be a shambles. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Like I say with him losing the prospect of a job, he is short of cash so I have often lent him the money to cover travel expenses, what would someone with nothing be expected to do? We are talking a combined average of £50 (train ticket and bus fare) as well as the money needed for essentials for his room in the hostel. I can only assume if he had a decent well paid job other restrictions would have been applied, is this true or would they too be removed from the county?
Have him speak to a solicitor. Preferably his own who has handled the case thus far.

It IS possible for certain costs to be defrayed.

But we can't possibly guess the likelihood here.
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