TO put this as simply as possible:
Child is 3 years old. We live in California. Dad moved to South Carolina in March of this year.
We don't have anything legal written up in regards to custody, etc. I get the occasional call from him asking how child is doing, but he hasn't seen child since before he left. In other words, there is very minimal involvement from him.
Now that you have the basic background stuff ...
I want to go to England for a visit some time in the next year. It's to my understanding that both parents have to be present to sign the minor child's passport.
Since dad is living out-of-state, there's a consent form he can sign and mail to me, so he doesn't have to be here in person. I have asked him to sign this particular form and mail it to me, but he refused.
Does this mean I can't take my child with me to England?
I am convinced there has to be another way to obtain my child's passport. What do I have to do to make this visit to England possible for both of us?
Child is 3 years old. We live in California. Dad moved to South Carolina in March of this year.
We don't have anything legal written up in regards to custody, etc. I get the occasional call from him asking how child is doing, but he hasn't seen child since before he left. In other words, there is very minimal involvement from him.
Now that you have the basic background stuff ...
I want to go to England for a visit some time in the next year. It's to my understanding that both parents have to be present to sign the minor child's passport.
Since dad is living out-of-state, there's a consent form he can sign and mail to me, so he doesn't have to be here in person. I have asked him to sign this particular form and mail it to me, but he refused.
Does this mean I can't take my child with me to England?
I am convinced there has to be another way to obtain my child's passport. What do I have to do to make this visit to England possible for both of us?