Tree Branch Fallen on Tenants Car

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New Member
This morning my tenant called to inform me that a tree branch had fallen and caused damage to her car. The tree in question is situated in the front yard of the property. It is an older tree that loses braches from time to time. There was no adverse weather last night. Am I, as the landlord responsible for the damages?
No; unless you knew the tree was diseased or dead and did nothing about removing it.


The tree is very old. It does have some dead branches that break off during high winds or storms. This I have known about. However, I dont think that it is diseased or dead. It grows as many leaves as the next tree, if that is any indication of health.
The more you talk the more responsible you sound!! You knew it was "very old" and has lots of "dead branches" therefore you are responsible to take it down. How much are we talking about for damages? Make a quick offer of some free rent and get the tenant to sign a paper saying that the free rent is full and fair settlement of all liability arising from the fallen tree branch. Then get a tree company to take that tree down before the whole thing hits his car, or your house, or worse a person. Good Luck.
The more you talk the more responsible you sound!! You knew it was "very old" and has lots of "dead branches" therefore you are responsible to take it down. How much are we talking about for damages? Make a quick offer of some free rent and get the tenant to sign a paper saying that the free rent is full and fair settlement of all liability arising from the fallen tree branch. Then get a tree company to take that tree down before the whole thing hits his car, or your house, or worse a person. Good Luck.

Thank you. I just wanted to make sure all the facts were out there so that I could get some good feedback.

The damages were only $213. I'm not sure if the tree warrants being cut down as the overall health is good. A good trimming is definitley in order.

I went ahead and paid for the damages myself.
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