Trespass Liability


Someone comes onto our property (our residence), puts up a ladder (I assume), and unscrews the bulb in our dusk-to-dawn light when we are not there.

If they would get injured, can we be held liable?


PS: We have a dusk-to-dawn light because there is a history of people messing with our property at night.
If they would get injured, can we be held liable?

Possibly, an exact answer depends on the EXACT fact pattern.

However, the answer is make sure you have sufficient insurance to protect your assets.
Someone comes onto our property (our residence), puts up a ladder (I assume), and unscrews the bulb in our dusk-to-dawn light when we are not there.

If they would get injured, can we be held liable?

Depends on the circumstances. Unlikely but possible.

That's why you have insurance.

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