Trouble finding a attorney

Drice pickel

New Member
I have a strange and complex lawsuit that spider webs into other lawsuits and due to that have found that people close to me have gotten greedy and are trying to steal these lawsuits by stopping me from obtaining an attorney. Now the question is how do I get an attorney to take these cases when I have so many people trying to stop me or steal from me? I have found myself in a situation were these lawsuits are worth over $100,000,000
I have found myself in a situation were these lawsuits are worth over $100,000,000

I think that is unlikely. Most civil claims only compensate you for the actual losses you have suffered as a result of the other person's conduct. So unless you have actually sustained a loss of $100 million it's pretty unlikely you'll recover that much. If the case was really worth that much and had a realistic chance of succeeding you'd have no trouble finding a lawyer to represent you. Without more details on you lawsuit, all I can tell you is to keep contacting lawyers to see if you can find one willing to take this up for you.
I have a strange and complex lawsuit that spider webs into other lawsuits and due to that have found that people close to me have gotten greedy and are trying to steal these lawsuits by stopping me from obtaining an attorney. Now the question is how do I get an attorney to take these cases when I have so many people trying to stop me or steal from me? I have found myself in a situation were these lawsuits are worth over $100,000,000

How are people close to you "stealing" these lawsuits? In what way are these people close to you?...Are they friends? Family? Neighbors? How are they stopping you from obtaining an attorney?
The Florida Bar
how do I get an attorney to take these cases when I have so many people trying to stop me or steal from me? I have found myself in a situation were these lawsuits are worth over $100,000,000

You search for an attorney UNTIL you find one you trust and who will represent your interests zealously.

While you search you ONLY discuss your case with prospective attorneys.

DO NOT discuss, carp. gripe, opine, complain, explain, or comment about YOUR legal matter(s) with your relatives, fake friends, scammers, con-artists, jealous rivals, business associates, reporters, or anyone on any UNsocial media site(s).

With tens of millions of US Dollar$ at stake, I'm sure you understand why you must run $ILENT and alone!
I don't even know what it might mean to "steal" a lawsuit.

Unless you want to provide some explanation regarding the lawsuit and what you mean when you say that it "spider webs into other lawsuits," there's no way anyone can answer your question in any meaningful way.
The problem is that its not just one field, it stem into malpractice,civil, personal injury and yes even into criminal on there part. So I'm having trouble finding a lawyer that wants to deal with all of that and some of the suits are resolved and some still need to be handled I even have some telling me not to get a lawyer involved, that they will settle with me right now and others that won't without a attorney. I have clear cut evidence on everyone of the suits and even on the people trying to sabotage them or trying to steal through identity theft or intimidation. They have gone even as far as calling and retaining the attorneys so I couldn't and my relatives have even got involved and tried to get power of attorney. My girlfriend has been trying to help me obtain the services of a law firm that could handle everything because of my health I've even thought of given her power of attorney. I'm just afraid that it will put her in the scope of danger and put her at risk
The problem is that its not just one field, it stem into malpractice,civil, personal injury and yes even into criminal on there part.

No private attorney can help you with criminal prosecution. The is solely the job of the prosecutor's office, which in Florida is the state attorney's office for the district where the crime occurred. So you report the crimes to the police and/or state attorney where the crime occurred and it's ultimately up to the state attorney whether any prosecution takes place. If any federal crimes took place, you need to contact the appropriate federal law enforcement agency (FBI, IRS, ATF, DEA, etc).

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