trouble with ex-psuedo-landlord

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New Member
i'll try to keep this as brief yet detailed as possible...

friend of my girlfriend's father, we'll call him 'boob,' had a house his elderly shut in father lived in. boob's dad got moved into a nursing home and boob offered to rent the house to us. the house was uninhabitable. years of neglect and a dog that never saw the outdoors left the house a wreck. we spent in labor and materials over $2000 to make the house habitable, which was agreed would be deducted from our rent.

there was no lease. everything was to be done in cash and the utilities had to remain in boob's name, which we were to pay him cash for. we lived there approx. 5 months. only paid 1 utility bill (the only one we were ever given) and paid 1 month of rent (there were issues with most of the appliances and heating/air conditioning that we could not repair ourselves that boob kept promising to take care of to the point that we withheld rent)

finally boob gave us a handwritten eviction notice to be out in 5 days. we were out in 3. took pictures once everything was out and generally left the place 300% better condition than when we moved in.

boob has since been bugging my girlfriend's father about money we still owe him to which we've always replied 'we fixed your house, you were a crap landlord, you're welcome, we're even.' now boob has concocted an issue with a sale transaction between himself and GF's dad saying 'if you don't give X back and pay me $$$$ i'm going to sue you and i'll sue your daughter too.'

we're standing firm. we haven't been served yet but he's going after GF's dad for about $2000, and suing us for $3000 in damages he claims we made to the house.

boob is definitely crooked, moving and hiding assets to get state aid to pay for his father's nursing home while he has a viper and 2 corvettes in his garage (which i know is besides the point) just motivation for you to help me rip the wind from his sails.

so i guess i'm asking, what are our options, how we proceed and what to include in our defense? also as part of his threats, boob has mentioned going after my business, which is a sole-proprietorship, service based, in a rented building, no inventory, with the only assets being my skills and tools of the trade. its essentially worthless, less than a year in business and currently not even turning a profit yet. so any insights into that would be appreciated as well.

thanks in advance

yes we are aware he didn't follow legal protocol evicting us. we didn't care, we just wanted out, and even now, not seeking anything from him, we just want to be done
Ignore his idle and useless threats.

You evicted yourselves.

You've been down this road before.

If he sues you, come back with what he claims.

Otherwise, don't allow him to bully you anymore!

If you want to rock his world and upset his apple cart, tell social security and Medicare about his hidden "assets"!

You can do that anonymously.

The Medicare and social security thugs will do him more harm than you ever could. If you want to add insult to injury, you can also tip off IRS. They'll tear him a new and bigger one. Then all you need to is sit back and watch Thr fun!!!
thanks judge

i hadn't thought of any retaliatory actions yet but those are very good suggestions

this guy also has a file docket with the FBI and ATF so i'm surprised he's so anxious to
draw all this attention to himself
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