Troubles with employer

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:mad: I work for a auto dealership. I was approached by my district rep. about some extra work. I was asked to take some online tests for some other parts dept. managers and I agreed to do so. I was contacted after all the tests were completed and promised that I would be sent some free race tickets in the mail from one of the other managers whom I helped catch up on her tests. The tickets arrived today and were given to someone else and I am being told that the tickets will most likely go to the owner of the dealership and that he will either use them or give them away to his friends. I know it's only race tickets but I can't afford to buy them and was really looking forward to taking my father and daughter to a live Nascar race. Is there anything that I can do about this? I don't want to cause a problem at work but I also don't want them to have the impression that they can walk all over me. Thanks in advance for any help/advice that can be sent my way.
ask the district rep that promised you the tickets if they have come in yet as you are really looking forward to going, unless the rep is the one who told you the tickets would go to the owner. if not act as if you were unaware of this info. i wouldn't demand them, just inquire and go with the flow and remember even if you don't get the tickets when its time to lay people off you will be more valuable for being willing to go the extra mile, like helping that dept. manager the way you did. i am not a lawyer or legal expert either. just advise.
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