Troublesome Tenant

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New Member
I have a Tenant who is taking me to court. The primary complaint is that I won't evict another Tenant that he constantly complains about. I have told him numerous times to show proof of the accusations he has made so that i can act. He has never provided any proof other than his own account. Consequently, The Tenant he is trying to have evicted is complaining about the first tenant on the grounds of racial harassment and other verbal abuse.

Other facts.. Tenant #1 (Plaintiff) has either been the plantiff in sueing prior landlords for similar complaints and has also been the defendent in eviction cases. He also has served jail time in the past for Deviant and violent behavior.

Can I use his past court cases as a pattern of behavior in my favor? In addition, I have a recorded voicemail he left me using vulger behavior. Would bringing that recording to court help me?

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